Friday, December 17, 2010

New PBC Catalogue out now!

The Progressive Book Club isn’t a shop or a business, it’s a group of volunteers with one very simple philosophy: provide books to progressive Australians at the cheapest possible price, and reinvest all funds into more books. We aim to identify titles of interest and provide them to you, often at a loss.

Why? Because by sharing ideas and learning, we build a stronger progressive movement.
Why not pick up a book as a present for a friend, family member or long-time colleague? Or invest in some holiday reading with some substance?

The Progressive Book Club is here for you - we welcome your suggestions on titles and will source books on suggestion.

email us now for a copy:

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Re:Imagining change

Re:Imagining Change provides resources, theory, hands-on tools and illuminating case studies for the next generation of innovative change makers. This unique book explores how culture, media, memes, and narrative intertwine with social change strategies, and offers practical methods to amplify progressive causes in the popular culture. It's an inspirational inside look at the trailblazing methodology developed by the non-profit strategy and training organization, smartMeme. Founded in 2002, smartMeme offers tools, training, and strategy support to organizations and movements working for justice, ecological sanity and transformative social change. Re:Imagining Change is a summary of their approach, and a call to innovate our strategies for collectively addressing the escalating social and ecological crisis of the 21st century.

About the Authors:

Patrick Reinsborough co-founded the smartMeme strategy and training project as a vehicle to explore the intersections of social change strategy, imagination and narrative. He lives in San Francisco.

Doyle Canning is a strategist, trainer, and organizer with a commitment to building holistic movements for racial justice and an ecological future. She lives in Boston

Read a great review from Make Wealth History.

Reduced for activists to only $15.
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What is radical politics today?

The recent economic crisis is making all of us think about how the world could
be run differently. Despite this, a radical alternative has hardly emerged to mobilise people, which begs the question: What is radical politics today? In this book, leading academics, politicians, journalists and activists attempt to pinpoint an answer, debating the issues facing radical politics in the 21st Century. Rarely united in their opinions, they collectively interrogate the character and spirit of being radical in our times.
The book includes numerous prominent members of the left internationally including Zygmunt Bauman, Frank Furedi, Clare Short, Edward W. Soja, David Chandler, Hilary Wainwright, Dora Apel, Michael J. Watts, Jason Toynbee, Doreen Massey, Gregor McLennan, Tariq Modood, Nick Cohen, Will Hutton, Saul Newman, Chantal Mouffe, David Featherstone, Alejandro Colás and Jason Edwards, David Boyle, and Saskia Sassen.
You can read some of the authors here.
Read some more reviews at the British blog Left Foot Forward.
RRP: 35.00 Now only $25
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Left Right Left

Anyone who has read one of Robert Manne's newspaper columns or one of his powerful Quarterly Essays will find here a treasure-house of thought, argument and evocation. The perfect book for anyone interested in the key political and cultural controversies of the past thirty years
Now only $20
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Inside Kevin 07

Inside Kevin07 takes readers into the campaign war room and shows how a rookie team won an election from one of the most successful and experienced political leaders in Australian history. All of the key Labor players in the 2007 campaign, including ALP National Secretary Tim Gartrell and Research Director Nick Martin, cooperated with the writing of this book. Inside Kevin07 is the inside story of a modern political party machine and what it takes to succeed.
RRP $30 Our Price $25
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The Rise of the Green Left: Inside the Worldwide Ecosocialist Movement

Each new scientific report on climate Climate change and other ecological ills are driving the creation of a grassroots global movement for change. From Latin America to Europe, Australia and China a militant movement merging red and green is taking shape. Ecosocialists argue that capitalism threatens the future of humanity and the rest of nature. From indigenous protest in the Peruvian Amazon to the green transition in Cuba to the creation of red-green parties in Europe, ecosocialism is defining the future of left and green politics globally.
RRP $42 Our Price $20
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Labour Pains: How the party I love lost its soul

Labour to the core, Peter Kilfoyle became MP for Liverpool Walton in 1991. When Labour came to power in 1997 Kilfoyle was awarded influential roles in the ministry, but quit suddenly after becoming disillusioned with the New Labour project. Since then, he has been a vociferous backbench critic of both Blair and his successor. Labour Pains is his perspective on the Blair-Brown era, from the failure of the 1992 election campaign to the mediocrity of the last government. Irreverent, witty and thoughtful, this insider account of our political age is replete with anecdotes, some none too flattering, and reflections on the two men who, Kilfoyle believes, have ruined his beloved Labour.

RRP $30 Our Price $20.00 order at: